Pregnancy & Babies

Pregnancy & Baby Treatments in Swindon

Our practitioners have undertaken specialist training to prepare to them support pregnant mothers, babies and children.
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Here at Kube Medical we have two practitioners with a special interest in treating pregnant patients, babies and children. They have expanded their knowledge by attendance of several courses to widen their skill set when it comes to treating Pregnant patients, new-born babies, toddlers and teenagers. 
These courses give our practitioners a wide variety of therapeutic skills from Craniosacral Techniques to Cranial Osteopathy, Cranial Chiropractic, Craniopathy to SacroOccipital techniques. The combination of this specialist high level training allows our practitioners to carefully examine you or your baby/Child and recommend a specialist treatment which may involve elements of some or all of the above; but ultimately will be tailored to patient need, pain levels and age etc. 

Our skills

Samantha sees large numbers of newborn babies and children, and only accepts new adult patients who are pregnant, or have a cranial issue requiring her expertise. 

Having attended a wide range postgraduate chiropractic paediatric courses she uses a range of treatment options which consists of gentle spinal, cranial and visceral techniques, specialised paediatric cranial and intraoral adjusting.

Completing her tongue tie assessment course in 2021 she integrates this into every paediatric consultation; not only those with feeding or latch difficulties. 

The Primitive Reflex Course completed in 2020 and the Advanced Functional Neurology Craniopathy course in 2021 open many treatment options to those with dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, Autism, other learning difficulties and neurobehavioural challenges.

The GERD (Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease- also known as Reflux or sometimes referred to as colic) provides the anatomy and physiology behind Reflux and will underpinned her studies to become an Infant Feeding Coach.

Infant Clinic

It's not always easy to know whether treatment is the right option for you. To help parents and carers understand the options, we run a free drop-in infant clinic.

Our infant clinic usually takes place on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 1-3pm. There's no need to book.

Infant clinic dates are displayed on our home page in the Events section. We also regularly update our social media pages. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to receive our updates.

What are the benefits of Pregnancy Massage?

  • Relief from muscle aches and joint pain
  • Reduction in anxiety and stress through increased “feel-good” hormones
  • Rejuvenated energy
  • Improved sleep

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Samantha Campbell

Clinical Lead Chiropractor  

Member of Royal College of Chiropractors Paediatric Faculty; 
Member of Academy of Functional Paediatrics
  • March 2016 neonatal chiropractic; 
  • June 2016 toddler to teen chiropractic; 
  • Sept 2016 pregnant patient a chiropractic approach; 
  • Nov 2017 neonatal examination spinal and cranial correction; 
  • Jan 2018 paediatrics sacro occipital technique; 
  • Feb 2018 weight-bearing child; 
  • March 2018 interoral adjusting; 
  • September 2018 pregnancy and birth trauma 
  • October neonatal examination spinal and cranial correction; 
  • November 2018 plagiocephaly and neurobehavioral disorders; 
  • December 2018 treatment of common paediatric syndromes.
  • Feb 2019 Category 2 and 3 Sacro-Occipital Technique
  • Feb 2020 MNRI -Dynamic and Postural Reflex Integration- Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration
  • May 2021 Common Paediatric Knee Syndromes
  • Oct 2021 The Advanced Applications of Developmental Functional Neurology and Craniopathy
  • Oct 2021 Tongue Tie in the Breastfed Baby

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Sarah Carr

Pregnancy Massage

Sarah graduated from the University of Gloucestershire in 2015 with a BSc (Hons) in Sports Therapy. She has spent much of her career working in a sports environment, including senior medical team roles Bath City FC and Bristol Rovers FC.

Sarah has a specific interest in treating sports injuries through rehabilitation and massage. In addition to shockwave and laser therapy, she is trained in several massage techniques, including manual lymphatic drainage and pregnancy massage.

Away from the clinic, Sarah has a keen interest in sport, especially football, gymnastics, trampolining and skiing.
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